
The Little Town That Could

During the Gold Rush, Camptonville, California, was a bustling stage-stop of 1,500 people on the route between Marysville and Downieville. Camptonville survived major fires in 1889, 1908 and 1959, and it was rebuilt every time by people who couldn't bear the thought of leaving.

This community has survived winters with so little rain that wells went dry - and others with so much rain and snow that people had to be rescued from their own homes.
The Fire of 1908 destroyed most homes and businesses.
Trade and traffic bypassed

Camptonville when Highway 49 (then Highway 25) opened in 1920. The mining and later the timber industries boomed - and busted.

Yet, in the face of all obstacles, the people pulled together to create a new sense of community. Residents of all ages have overcome physical and social isolation to build a mutually supportive community - a community based on unique assets, a combination of natural foothill resources and the resilience of the people who live here.

As determined at our first Town Hall Meeting in 1995, we may be small, but we've got big plans!